Employee of The Month #2

Yay! Our second employee of the month. I love writing these little series about the sweet little tools we use in our office.

We started this series off with the nomination of my cousin to be Clairol the Hair Dryer. I had a friend come in to help me in the office and she nominated this lil thing.

When we put mica in our Shag Spray, we only add juuust a lil bit! A spoon is too big, a pin is too small, but a pen cap is juuuust right! Introducing our second Employee of The Month, "Penny" the Pen Cap.

Although there is no 100% guarantee that "Penny" has always been the *exact* same pen cap- I can tell you that their spirit remains the same. Covered in glitter, they work hard for Rabbit Brush and all of our Shag Spray needs.

I honestly can't quite recall what I used right at the beginning of making shag spray- when I would make a batch in a small sauce pan with a few tablespoons of ingredients here and there. But I figured out before too long that a pen cap was the perfect tool for mica in the bottle!

Did you know with each bottle of Shag Spray made we add mica and then essential oils? Everything is super fresh. And hey, the mica isn't always ~exactly~ the same amount, but that's kind of how we like to do things. We're not perfectionists. I think the Beauty Industry should have elements of art to it, don't you? Of course we have quality control to make sure all of our products are up to par, but there's something about each unit being unique. With a label put on my hand, designed by an independent graphic designer, and sometimes the mica is a bit more, a bit less.

There's a uniqueness to all of our goods because of the choices we make, because of the way I refuse to succumb to rigidity; and I hope that's something you appreciate.

So, here's to "Penny"! The little (slightly inaccurate) but always ever present and consistent tool that we love and appreciate.