Employee of The Month #3

Hooray! It's time to spotlight yet another "Employee of The Month"!

Our third dude is "Terry" The Tray.

I bought this when I first started my business. I went to goodwill and just grabbed a bunch of random things that I thought would be helpful, without really any have any specific needs in mind. This is an old bamboo and plastic silverware tray, and has become absolutely necessary in our production process!


We use this try to carry Shag Spray from production to fulfillment rooms, and it's pretty incredible how perfectly they stack in here.

Since it's just me running Rabbit Brush now, I don't keep back stock of products. When orders come in, I make them to order fresh! So we always need spray "Blanks" to fix up with mica and scent choice.


I can't remember how much I paid for it, but I'm sure it was less than $5. The sticker has worn off.

Once again, this highlight goes to show that you don't need to go out and buy fancy brand new items for every little task. Get creative, and try something out that might become a staple in your work!