Why I Refuse Uline (and why you should too!)

What is Uline?

If you’ve received a box in the mail recently, you’ve likely touched ULINE. As North America's largest distributor of shipping, packaging and industrial supplies, ULINE is an omnipresent supplier in today’s shipping-fueled economy. ULINE was founded in 1980 by Elizabeth and Richard Uihlein—heirs to the Schlitz beer company fortune. ULINE has grown to offer close to 40,000 products and has more than 7,000 employees—seems like a true midwestern success story, right?

Why Should I Refuse Uline?

The Uihleins are ranked by the donation-tracking site OpenSecrets.org as the fifth-largest donors in the United States to outside political spending organizations, having contributed a whopping $62.8 million to conservative groups in the 2020 election cycle.

It goes beyond private ideology and donations—in each ULINE catalog Liz Uihlein brings her conservative politics directly to her customer base with a “letter from the president” where she broadcasts her ultra-conservative views openly to millions of ULINE customers.

Shopping Uline is directly supporting extreme right-wing politics.

While we can’t vet the political affiliations of every company below, rest assured that none of them are as explicitly right-wing as ULINE.




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